How to Reopen a Temporarily Closed Location on Google

As campuses and schools around the country closed as a result of COVID-19, their listing on Google might have been automatically changed to “Temporarily Closed”. Many of these schools will still have the Temporarily Closed listing after re-opening, which can be confusing for students and their families. Today, we’re going to quickly show you how to change the status of your school from “temporarily closed” to “open”.

Single location

  1. Log in to your Google Business Account

  2. Click “Info” from the menu on the left

  3. There will be an option called “Re-open or remove this listing” - choose “Re-open”

Managing multiple locations

  1. Log in to your Google Business Account

  2. From the list of locations you manage, select the ones you want to re-open

  3. On the toolbar at the top click “Actions”

  4. From that menu, click “Open”

  5. Select the “More” option and click “Mark as open”

Hopefully you can follow these simple steps and help clearly communicate the status of your institution with your stakeholders. If you have any questions, connect with us.


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